The crime investigation records of the Shanghai International Settlement Police Station on the pro-Japanese elements’ abduction of women to work as “comfort women”

来源:上海市档案馆  发布时间:2015年8月18日

(1938年4月)(April 1938)

(上海市档案馆)(Shanghai Municipal Archives)

??? 上海公共租界警务处档案中,有巡捕房审讯调查记录和上海地方法院提审裁决书。

??? 1938年4月,为日军服务的亲日分子诱骗拐卖中国妇女到虹口区的旅店集中,然后把她们转卖给日军充当“慰安妇”。其中四个罪犯被法院判处徒刑,另两个主要罪犯躲在日军占领区无法抓捕。

In the archives of the Shanghai International Settlement Police Department, there were the police station interrogation records and the arraignment awarded by the Shanghai District Court.

In April 1938, pro-Japanese elements in service of the Japanese army lured and trafficked Chinese women to hotels in Hongkou District and then sold them to the Japanese Army to serve as comfort women. Four of the criminals were sentenced by the courts and two of the main criminals behind the trafficking of women hid in the area occupied by the Japanese Army, so they were not arrested.